Tuesday, June 1, 2021

June 30, 2008: Cambridge

Our i total hateful solar daytime inwards Cambridge started at the visitor data centre, trying to suss out how best to pass our express time. Nothing much inwards the centre took our fancy, but acre nosotros were exterior debating how to proceed, a kindly former gent wandered over in addition to offered us a one-hour walking tour of the colleges. He moved at a stride that suited our levels of walking enthusiasm, then nosotros agreed in addition to headed off. He was an ex-student, who had studied medicine dorsum inwards the 1950s in addition to was deeply inwards thrall to the mystique of the ancient college town - he sounded slightly regretful that students were no longer fined for leaving their colleges without their total academic robes on.

We started out at Kings College, amongst the famous in addition to ridiculously impressive chapel we'd admired from the exterior yesterday. It was fifty-fifty meliorate from the within - a gorgeous feathered ceiling in addition to some of the most impressive stained drinking glass windows around.

Our i total hateful solar daytime inwards Cambridge started at the visitor data centre June 30, 2008: Cambridge
Our i total hateful solar daytime inwards Cambridge started at the visitor data centre June 30, 2008: Cambridge
Our i total hateful solar daytime inwards Cambridge started at the visitor data centre June 30, 2008: CambridgeWe snuck through the foursquare in addition to out to Cambridge's 'Bridge of Sighs' - the brace itself wasn't super interesting (except for the piece taken out of i of the decorative spheres past times the master copy builder equally revenge for non existence paid inwards full), but the persuasion downward the river was pretty spectacular. As were the somebody college gardens across on the other side.

Our i total hateful solar daytime inwards Cambridge started at the visitor data centre June 30, 2008: Cambridge
Our i total hateful solar daytime inwards Cambridge started at the visitor data centre June 30, 2008: CambridgeNext halt was Trinity - the strongest mathetmatical college, in addition to most famous for having been Newton's college agency dorsum inwards the day. His room is the upper educate of windows instant from the left - it blows my remove heed that these ancient buildings are nevertheless functional - imagine existence the pitiful maths undergrad who gets pose inwards Newton's former room! Too much to alive upward to.

Our i total hateful solar daytime inwards Cambridge started at the visitor data centre June 30, 2008: Cambridge
Our i total hateful solar daytime inwards Cambridge started at the visitor data centre June 30, 2008: CambridgeOur finally halt was Trinity Hall - i of the smaller colleges in addition to most famous (in our family at least) for existence the house the seven twelvemonth former toff was intending to read constabulary at inwards the 7-up series.

Our i total hateful solar daytime inwards Cambridge started at the visitor data centre June 30, 2008: CambridgeWith that we'd reached the destination of our tour - practiced value at 12 pounds, cheaper than the entry fees to each of the colleges would induce got been on their own. We scrabbled approximately town for a acre trying to settle on a dejeuner option - unfortunately the most reputable dedicated vego eatery inwards town closes on sun in addition to Monday, the 2 days nosotros were there. In the end, nosotros stumbled onto Mouth Music - a lilliputian van on the street promising vego nutrient to brand our tastebuds sing.

Our i total hateful solar daytime inwards Cambridge started at the visitor data centre June 30, 2008: CambridgeI went for the dejeuner wrap: felafel amongst tahini in addition to harissa wrapped upward amongst some greens in addition to carrot. It was outstanding.

Our i total hateful solar daytime inwards Cambridge started at the visitor data centre June 30, 2008: CambridgeCindy went for to a greater extent than mushroom welligton, in addition to was i time again impressed.

Our i total hateful solar daytime inwards Cambridge started at the visitor data centre June 30, 2008: CambridgePowered upward amongst food, I decided to accept on the 123 steps of tower of Great St Mary's Church. The church building is the academy chapel, in addition to has been approximately since the early on 1500s. It actually does render some amazing views - especially of the King's College Chapel.

Our i total hateful solar daytime inwards Cambridge started at the visitor data centre June 30, 2008: Cambridge
Our i total hateful solar daytime inwards Cambridge started at the visitor data centre June 30, 2008: Cambridge
Our i total hateful solar daytime inwards Cambridge started at the visitor data centre June 30, 2008: Cambridge
Our i total hateful solar daytime inwards Cambridge started at the visitor data centre June 30, 2008: Cambridge
Our i total hateful solar daytime inwards Cambridge started at the visitor data centre June 30, 2008: CambridgeAfter all those stairs I was inwards remove of a drink, then I dragged Cindy over the river to the gorgeous Granta hotel, sitting correct on the banking venture of the Cam.

Our i total hateful solar daytime inwards Cambridge started at the visitor data centre June 30, 2008: CambridgeThe primary influence on Cindy of the trip then far has been an increased enthusiasm for Pimm's in addition to onion rings, in addition to the Granta happily indulged her amongst both, acre offering us some lovely views across the water.

Our i total hateful solar daytime inwards Cambridge started at the visitor data centre June 30, 2008: Cambridge
Our i total hateful solar daytime inwards Cambridge started at the visitor data centre June 30, 2008: CambridgeWe followed upward amongst a quick wander through some of the populace province approximately the river (most of the beautiful gardens in addition to bridges are owned past times the colleges in addition to are either off-limits only or only accessible for moolah).
Our i total hateful solar daytime inwards Cambridge started at the visitor data centre June 30, 2008: CambridgeWe ended the eve at some other pub, the highly recommended Kingston hotel nigh the house nosotros were staying. Unfortunately, despite the impressive looking menu, the pub was out of nigh all their vegetarian meals, leaving us amongst but a tomato-y pasta in addition to a cheesy salad to share. Disappointing.

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