Monday, November 23, 2020

February 5, 2010: Bangkok Rain

De Orchid's replacement, but i time nosotros saw that Bangkok Rain had a whole vegetarian menu, nosotros decided that nosotros mightiness equally good endeavour unopen to Thai.

Penang Affair, together with their nutrient is pretty skilful value for money. It's non a identify that Cindy together with I volition endure raving to friends well-nigh but it's a dainty local pick to convey for nights where we're likewise lazy to produce or corporation far from home.

Address: 176 Rathdowne Street, Carlton
Ph: 9347 7487
Licensed together with BYO (wine only)
Price: Vegie mains: $11.90, entrees $8-$10
Website: (although the vegie bill of fare isn't on their website).

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