Late terminal twelvemonth a friend of mine gave me a small-scale tin terminate of sweetened chestnut spread, afterward they'd been travelling inward France. I had fiddling sentiment what to produce amongst it, but I had a hunch that Ottolenghi would bring a suitable recipe or two. Sure enough, chestnut spread turns upwardly inward the index of Sweet as an component inward ii desserts.
The Mont Blanc tart is reinterpretation of an Italian dessert where chestnuts are sweetened together with whipped into cream. Goh together with Ottolenghi's version starts amongst a sweetness shortcrust; it's lined amongst a sparse layer of nighttime chocolate together with and thence filled amongst the chestnut spread. The advert together with thence comes inward amongst a tower of whipped cream, which is sprinkled amongst candied pecans.
The presentation of my version didn't fulfill that vision, though it was pretty enough. Instead of baking private tart shells I formed a unmarried large pie. The double cream I bought became thicker together with denser amongst whipping, lacking the airy texture needed to shape a white mountain.
On its own, the chestnut spread had the nuttiness together with velvety texture of hummus, though it was a lot sweeter. In the dessert, it acted equally an unassuming caramel filling - the cream was richer, the chocolate had to a greater extent than depth, the pecans were sweeter. Together they formed a fancy together with tasty dessert, fifty-fifty if the chestnut centre was overshadowed. For me it was a successful one-off projection that I was proud to part approximately Ottolenghi lodge - I don't foresee whatever to a greater extent than fiddling cans of chestnut spread coming my way, together with this projection hasn't inspired me to monastic tell them online.
Mont Blanc tart
(slightly adapted from Yotam Ottolenghi & Helen Goh's Sweet)
200g manifestly flour
120g mutual depression temperature butter
30g caster sugar
pinch of salt
1/2 teaspoon white vino vinegar
3 tablespoons H2O ice water
candied pecans
1 tablespoons maple syrup
1 tablespoon glucose syrup
1 tablespoon caster sugar
120g pecan halves
pinch of salt
60g nighttime chocolate
250g tin terminate sweetened chestnut spread
300mL double cream
1 tablespoon icing sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla rum
Start amongst the pastry. Drop the flour into a large nutrient processor, die the butter together with drib it inward afterward the flour. Add the saccharide together with salt. Pulse the component together until they resemble coarse breadcrumbs. Add the vinegar together with water, together with pulse farther until the dough only starts coming together. Turn the dough onto plastic wrap, forming it into a ball the together with thence flattening it into a disc. Refrigerate the dough for at to the lowest degree 1 hour.
This is plenty of fourth dimension to candy the pecans. Preheat an oven to 190°C. Line a large baking tray amongst paper. Place the maple syrup, glucose together with saccharide inward a small-scale saucepan together with laid it over depression heat. Stir them together until they're combined together with smooth, together with thence add together the pecans together with salt. Turn off the oestrus together with stir the pecans until they're evenly coated inward the syrup, together with thence plough them into the baking tray, spacing them out thence that they're minimally touching. Bake the nuts for 8 minutes, until the syrup is bubbling together with they olfactory belongings toasty. Allow the nuts to cool to room temperature, together with thence roughly chop them.
When the dough is ready, curlicue it out betwixt ii sheets of plastic wind together with jibe it into a greased pie dish. The dough volition contract when baked, thence instruct out plenty of extra pastry on the edges. Refrigerate the pastry shell for xxx minutes. Preheat an oven to 180°C. Retrieve the pastry shell, prick its base of operations amongst a fork, draw it amongst paper, together with pour inward some pie weights (I bring some sometime dried chickpeas for this job). Bake the pastry shell for xviii minutes, until it is golden chocolate-brown approximately the edges. Remove the newspaper together with pie weights, together with thence bake for some other 8 minutes, until the pastry is cooked through. Allow the base of operations to cool.
Gently melt the chocolate using your preferred method, together with thence pour it into the base of operations of the pastry shell, spreading it evenly amongst the dorsum of a spoon. Refrigerate the pastry to laid the chocolate. When the chocolate is set, spoon inward the chestnut spread together with spread it out evenly. Return the tart to the fridge.
When you're close develop to serve the dessert, house the 3 cream ingredients inward a small-scale bowl together with whip them amongst an electrical beater until medium-soft peaks form. Serve slices of the tart topped amongst white mountains of cream together with sprinkle the candies pecans on top.
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