Monday, March 31, 2014

Wild Mushroom Tacos & Summertime Corn Salad

April 16, 2012

Cindy together with I had planned a Lord's Day cooking extravaganza amongst Lisa, Lucy together with Gill making delicious treats from Heidi Swanson's Super Natural Every Day, but everyone else savage sick or double-booked themselves, together with therefore nosotros were on our own. We'd done our shopping already, together with therefore on Mon nighttime nosotros went ahead amongst a cut-down version, making wild mushroom tacos from the cookbook together with a corn salad from Heidi's blog.

The mushroom tacos are super uncomplicated (especially if you lot lazily purpose parcel tortillas). Just purchase yourself around fancy wild mushrooms (we got around slippery jacks together with pino mushrooms from the markets, addition around basic plain mushrooms) together with youngster them upward amongst onion, garlic together with chilli. Sprinkle them amongst Mexican oregano together with serve inwards the tortillas amongst a sprinkle of parmesan on top. Earthy together with delicious.

 Cindy together with I had planned a Lord's Day cooking extravaganza amongst  Wild mushroom tacos & summertime corn saladThe corn salad is similarly straightforward, together with its crunchy tartness worked perfectly amongst the heartier mushrooms. These were both first-class recipes - uncomplicated combinations of a few ingredients together with flavours that you lot tin whip upward later on operate without likewise much trouble.

 Cindy together with I had planned a Lord's Day cooking extravaganza amongst  Wild mushroom tacos & summertime corn salad
Summer corn salad
(adapted slightly from a recipe from 101 Cookbooks)

iv cobs corn, shucked amongst the kernels shaved off the cob
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 small-scale handful of chives, sliced finely
1 1/2 cups of toasted pepitas together with sunflower seeds
1 teaspoon of Mexican oregano

1/3 loving cup lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon salt
two tablespoons chocolate-brown sugar
three tablespoons sunflower oil

Stir the corn kernels together with chives together inwards a bowl.

Mix the lemon juice, tabular array salt together with saccharide together inwards a course bowl. Drizzle inwards the sunflower oil, whisking similar crazy until everything all comes together.

Add the seeds together with the dressing to the corn together with toss, making certain everything is nicely coated.

Sprinkle the oregano over the top, toss together with serve.

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