Monday, March 24, 2014

Kentucky Fried Tofu Goes Gleegan

April 24-25, 2012
While Michael was galavanting around Toronto, I returned from the quincefest as well as generally only hung out amongst the truthful cat as well as a crisper total of cabbage. I did grapple to intermission upwardly the calendar week as well as the cabbage yesteryear inviting KFC spice mix the nighttime earlier as well as then divided Wed betwixt my figurer as well as the kitchen - running simulations as well as ruining vegan meringues, cutting upwardly cabbage as well as pasting summary stats into spreadsheets, parsing graphs as well as par-boiling potatoes.

The of import bits worked - my code converged as well as dinner was pretty great. My successful sides were a Veganomicon coleslaw as well as purple-and-plain white patato salad dressed amongst lemon juice as well as parsley. Then I deglutenised my recent Kentucky fried crumbing yesteryear replacing the wheat flour amongst equal parts Orgran mix as well as chickpea flour. Chickpea flour actually has a agency amongst frying - something exceptional happens to the crust of vegan omelettes, vegan French toast, pakoras as well as forthwith this hither crumbing when it's involved. I'm going to choke on supplementing my obviously flour amongst unopen to besan fifty-fifty when I'm non serving a coeliac.

The secondary tasks were ameliorate left to experts - K saved dessert yesteryear bringing PB&J chocolates, as well as I'm calling on a colleague to straighten out my curlier covariates.

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