Monday, October 7, 2019

Aunty Ral's Gingernuts

December 29-31, 2012

This morn nosotros are guests on Bhakthi's RRR segment Cook The Book, together with we'll last discussing Gillian Mears' late published novel Foal's Bread. (Here it is, archived online.) The mass traces the life of Noah Nancarrow, a talented together with hard-working Equus caballus show-jumper living inwards northern New South Wales earlier the Second World War. The storey is romantic together with tragic, told inwards a vogue that's lyrical but also calls on the Aussie vernacular.

Foal's breadstuff isn't anything you'd desire to eat. It's a slice of tissue sometimes institute inwards the oral cavity of a newborn foal together with that tin mail away last dried out together with kept every bit a lucky charm. Yet amid the descriptions of fauna husbandry together with the Australian landscape you'd expect, this mass is also littered amongst references to the nutrient of the time. The coloring together with texture together with sensation of nutrient is frequently interwoven amongst the characters' experiences. Noah's sister-in-law Ralda bakes ceaselessly - to comfort, to celebrate, together with to larn inwards into contest at the Show.

To accompany our radio interview I've baked gingernuts. Aunty Ral's gingernuts are a Nancarrow line solid unit of measurement tradition on Show 24-hour interval together with they're said to last crunchy together with crackled on top, best dipped inwards a loving cup of tea. I took my recipe from my mum's yellowed Barossa Cookery Book, which was published inwards the fourth dimension that this novel is set. I've typed it verbatim below - recipe writers thence clearly expected much prior noesis from cooks!

One lb. ii ozs. flour, 1/2 lb. butter, 1/2 lb. sugar, 3/4 lb. treacle, ane oz. the world ginger. Mix all the ingredients into a strong dough, curlicue out, cutting into modest biscuits, together with bake inwards a moderate oven. 
- Miss J.M. Bartsch, Angaston

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