Saturday, January 15, 2011

Cheesy Broccoli Pie

March 22-23, 2019

We had a weekend away inwards the dry reason amongst a large grouping of friends lately together with nighttime 2 of our communal dining schedule was Pie Night. H5N1 few of us brought pre-prepared fillings together with baked upward a plethora of pies to feed the masses. Our contribution was a vegan cheesy broccoli pie from the Smith & Deli cookbook. It was wonderful, providing a overnice flare-up of greens to kickoff the shepherd's together with mushroom pies that others prepared. The cheesy sauce is pretty horrifying from a nutritional perspective, but it's goddamn delicious - gooey together with a flake rich together with the perfect pal for the broccoli. Highly recommended. 

Cheesy broccoli pies
(from Smith & Deli-cious yesteryear Mo Wyse & Shannon Martinez)

2 large broccoli heads, chopped
90g vegan margarine
1/3 loving cup olive oil
i leek, white together with lite greenish parts, sliced finely
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/3 loving cup manifestly flour
i loving cup veggie stock
i loving cup soy milk
i 1/2 cups grated vegan cheese (we used mostly Bio Cheese)
i tablespoon nutritional yeast
i tablespoon Dijon mustard
1/2 loving cup parsley, chopped
i teaspoon dried thyme
common salt together with pepper

Blanch the broccoli inwards a large pot of boiling water. Drain together with laid aside.

Heat the margarine together with olive crude inwards a large saucepan together with tiddler the leek until soft. Add garlic together with gear upward for some other infinitesimal earlier whisking through the flour together with cooking for some other twosome of minutes.

Slowly add together inwards the stock together with soy milk, whisking to smoothness along the way. Stir through the cheese, nutritional yeast, Dijon, parsley together with thyme together with gear upward until the cheese has melted, v minutes or so. 

Add common salt together with pepper to the sauce to sense of savour together with and hence stir the broccoli dorsum in. Cook for some other v minutes together with and hence function out to cool.

That's your filling - nosotros wrapped halved Borg's puff pastry sheets into lilliputian squares around a few tablespoons of filling together with baked until the pastry went golden (about 25 minutes). Spectacular.

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